Schlagwort-Archive: internetculture

Neutralizing DNS attack on Wikileaks

(copy from

Wikileaks is under attack. Our freedom of speech is under attack. You can help neutralizing DNS takedown with this simple, completely legal and mainly free ciber-actions. Just choose which best fits you:

1. Mirror.
Dou you have available space (~2 GB) on your website?  Then you can help creating a mirror -ie a full copy of the Wikileaks website- and making it available under your own domain. That way Wikileaks will resist even the hardest attack because their data will be distributed across thousands of independent random sites all over the network. Here you have instructions to set up a mirror. After that, don’t forget to register your mirror in order to make it reachable for anyone and: share it on your social networks.
2. Subdomain.
Are you the legal owner of a top level domain name? (like  Then go to your domain control panel and create a new subdomain „wikileaks“ binded to the IP address (new IP updated 2010.12.04 17:36) That way a new domain name will be created allowing global access to the censored Wikileaks server from your own domain.In my case the new domain is: Again: don’t forget to share your contribution in your social networks!
Icon. Do you have a blog, personal webpage or the like? Then add in your frontpage or in a new post an image linking to the latter IP address. That way your page will show a Wikileaks logo allowing an easy access to the censored server by just clicking on it. This is an example HTML code you can  copy&paste and adapt for your needings:
<a href=““><img src=““ width=“40px“></a>
Can you publish news or comment them? Some people, specially in northern countries, does still have the freedom to express themselves in public ;o). If you are one of those fortunate individuals, please think about what the censorship of wikileaks mean to your own freedom of speech. Yes, you are right: you are loosing your freedom of speech. Indeed, all we are loosing our freedom of speach. So please: spread the news. Tell your friends about the censorship event, notify them about your new wikileaks subdomain… sharing the Wikileaks mirror list could be a good idea.
Is it needless to explain that those three ciberactions are not intended to just „solve“ any technical problem, because the problem is not a technical -but a political one. Don’t forget the reason why Wikileaks is under attack: powerful governments and corporations are trying to hide their „movements in the dark“ from the public scrutiny.
While engaging into any of those simple simbolic but effective ciberactions you will be expressing your support to the Wikileaks project in the public sphere. That way you will be showing to your national politicians and corporations that freedom of speech and right to information access are values you want them to protect.
There is no Democracy without Freedom of Speech. There is no Freedom of Speech without personal commitment in their protection. Quoting John Perry Barlow on #Wikileaks:
The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops.
Perhaps we can find a way for expressing that metaphore without belic ideas implicit, but I believe that sentence is a very good description of what is happening here. Anyway remember: making war for peace is like making love for virginity!
Updated 2010.12.03 21:36 GMT+1
Of course there is the possibility that you don’t fit in any of those cathegories. But you want to help anyway. So what to do then? Don’t get frustrated! Remember that you have the most powerful tool to contribute to social changing: creativity. And also remember that you don’t need to rely on the cyberspace: you can make use of the phone, you can send a letter to paper journals, you can write an article for your preferred magazine, you can hang a banner on your window… What about phone-calling your friends and family? Talk about the case, ask yourselves how you can make a contribution and organize some action -the most funny, the most effective- together. Also:
What about showing your support to Wikileaks on the street?.
Finally, if you don’t feel confident enough to engage something by yourself, remember that you can always join the efforts of others! You can join some organization which shares those values with you. If that’s your case, I’d like to strongly suggest you joining the Electronic Frontiers Foundation, an organization with a clear commitment with electronic rights where you’ll find a lot of interesting and very competent people.
Also there is a very effective alternative if you don’t are afraid from participating in governments: find your regional chapter an join the Pirate Party! Specially for those Europeans Wikileaks supporters: think global, act local!
Updated 2010.12.04 15:36 GMT+1
Wikileaks was using Paypal service in order to allow people an easy way to support the project by donating money. This was possible thanks to the german Wau Holland Foundation. Suddenly today Paypal has decided to suspend the german account complaining that Wikileaks freedom of speech activity does not fit Paypal’s Acceptable Use Policy. It is important to remember that Wikileaks work is completely legal -it is Freedom of Speech!!. Following Paypal’s logic then Time Magazine is performing an illegal action publishing the cover this month.
We are succeeding in adding the Wikileaks censorship issue in the public agenda. Perhaps the time has come to propose a boycott against those companies who are suspending the services which support Wikileaks activity?. Please, think about that.
Meanwhile, remember that you can still choose anyone of the alternative ways to donate Wikileaks.
Updated 2010.12.05 17:53 GMT+1
I’m astonished. People from all over the world are massively accessing this page. More than 10.000 pageviews in less than 24 hours -and growing- from thousands of visitors all over the world -mainly Europe and USA- are turning this page as a central reference in the wikileaks struggle. I’m really impressed with the massive and global impact of this issue. I don’t know how much time will Google (where this blog is hosted) resist the pressures to obscure this Wikileaks phenomena so: please share this post in your social networks (Facebook, Twitter and the like) to allow other people to engage the resistance against censorship by governments and corporations. Below you’ll find a bunch of buttons to easily do that so: use them!
Please, don’t give up. Freedom of speech, right to information: democracy itself: all they are now in our hands.

Amtlichen StoppTaferlAufsteller

q/Talk, Di 30. Nov., Opferschutz oder die Angst vor dem mündigen Bürger
Amtliche Stopptaferlaufsteller fordern Listen des schädlichen und
unerwünschten Content.
Wann: 26.10.2010, 20 Uhr (Einlass 19 Uhr).
Ort: quintessenz / Raum D / Electric Avenue, QDK / MQ Wien.
Plan: -> Nr. 49.
Referenten: Oskar Obereder (Silver Server) und Jens Kubieziel (AK Zensur)
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Mit dem Zweiten Vatikanum hat die Kirche erstmalig einen
selbstverantwortlichen Menschen erkannt und den Index abgeschafft und seit
1965 darf der Bürger selber entscheiden was er lesen möchte. Doch jetzt
wollen Beamte wieder diese Entscheidung für uns übernehmen und in
geheimen Listen für das intellektuelle Wohl der Bevölkerung sorgen.
Gerade die österreichischen Beamten haben hier ja schon die besten
Erfahrungen sammeln können, waren doch bis zu 40.000 Titel auf den
österreichischen Verbotslisten des Biedermeier verzeichnet.
Nach dem Wegfall der kirchlichen sowie der staatlichen Zensur durfte der
volljährige Bürger selber entscheiden wann, wo und wie er etwas lesen,
hören oder anschauen wollte. Bücher, Bilder und Filme durften dabei
natürlich nicht gegen eines der gültigen Gesetze verstoßen.
Lobbying-Gruppen und Interessensvertretungen laufen gegen diese Freiheit
Die amtlichen Stopptaferlaufsteller, deren Vorgangsweise – Manipulation des
Domain Name Systems – jener der Phishing-Betrüger technisch zum
Verwechseln ähnlich ist, sind nicht die einzigen Internetabsperrer.
Massives Interesse daran hat auch die Medien- und Unterhaltungsindustrie,
sowie jene Politiker, die sich von dieser Lobby Vorteile für die
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit versprechen. In welch engem Verhältnis zwei völlig
ungleiche Delikte wie Downloads von urheberrechtsgeschütztem Material und
sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern stehen, lassen wir am besten einen
Vertreter der genannten Lobby selbst erklären. Wörtliches Zitat von Johan
Schlüter, Anwalt und Lobbyist der International Federation of Phonographic
Industries in Dänemark auf einer Veranstaltung der amerikanischen
Handelskammer in Stockholm am 27. Mai 2007:
„Kinderpornografie ist großartig, weil sie von Politikern verstanden
wird. Wenn wir diese Karte spielen, kriegen wir sie dazu, zu handeln und
Websperren einzuführen. Wenn das geschafft ist, werden sie auch bereit
sein, Filesharing-Sites zu blockieren.“
Eine Freiheit mit der die Content-Mafia und Verwertungsindustrie ihre
Schwierigkeiten hat, da ihr kurzfristiges Monopol Künstler wie Konsumenten
zu schröpfen, mit der Erfindung Digitaler Medien löchrig geworden ist.
Geld zu verlieren ist schmerzhaft, und eifrig wurden Spindoktoren und
Advokaten beauftragt nach neuen Einkommensquellen zu suchen. Die
Privatkopie war immer erlaubt, und soll jetzt kriminalisiert werden.
Neben den technischen Möglichkeiten und der Verantwortung eines Providers
interessiert Georg Markus Kainz auch ein Blick zu unseren deutschen
Nachbarn. Zugast bei der November-Talkrunde der q/uintessenz sind Oskar
Obereder, CEO Silver Server, und Jens Kubieziel vom Arbeitskreis Zensur.
Die Presse: Illegale Downloads: Filmindustrie verklagt Provider UPC
Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur (AK Zensur)
Wikipedia: Geschichte der Zensur
Wikipedia: Zensur im Internet
Silver Server: Website-Blockade: Nicht die Lösung
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relayed by Chris
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